Chairman: Cllr Gill Shaw   Clerk: Jessica Bedford Tel: 07562 333508

Email: parish.clerk@dunningtonparishcouncil.gov.uk


Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held at The Tower Room, St Nicholas Church, Dunnington on Monday 25th October 2021 at 19:30


Present: Cllr Shaw (chairman), Cllr Brooks, Cllr Jackson, Cllr Thompson, Cllr Turnbull, Cllr Ruston, Cllr Dykes, Cllr Ford, Cllr Maggs, Cllr Rees-Gay and the Clerk

Ward Cllr M Warters attended.

1                      FORMALITIES

1.1                Parish Council to receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting

Apologies were received from Cllr Hardwell and Cllr Swallow


1.2                Parish Council to consider the approval of reasons for absence

The Parish Council approved the reasons for absence


1.3                Declarations of Interest

Cllr Shaw declared and interest in item 4 and vacated the meeting.

In the absence of a vice chairman, Cllr Turnbull took over chairman duties for the remainder of the meeting.

2                      EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC

2.1                The Parish Council resolved to exclude the press and public, from the meeting for any item where the publicity of the matter being prejudicial to the public interest or by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for other special reasons

3                      PUBLIC PARTICIPATION

One member of the public spoke in respect of item 4



4.1       The Parish Council to consider and agree to any follow up actions to take in respect of this approved planning application.

Press Letter

It was noted that there would be no cost implications for this course of action.

Following consideration, it was unanimously agreed to submit a letter from the Parish Council to the local press with a request that the letter be printed in its entirety or not at all.


Application to the Secretary of State to take over (‘call in’) the planning application

It was noted that there would be no cost implications for this course of action.

Following consideration, it was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council that an application to the Secretary of State would be made. It was also agreed that a request for a supporting letter would be made to the local MP.


Judicial Review

It was noted that this action would need to take place within a 6-week timeframe. Cost implications were currently unknown although three quotes of around £2-3000 had been received for obtaining legal advice on the Parish Councils position and possible success at a judicial review.

Following consideration, it was unanimously agreed to obtain a legal opinion on any possible grounds in which the Parish Council may seek a judicial review.

The maximum budget agreed to by the Parish Council was £3000 + VAT.


Construction/Site Plan

It was noted that the Parish Council has concerns about site access and village disruption during the three-year building period. The Parish Council also discussed concerns about the long-term impact on the   infrastructure

Following consideration, it was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council will send a letter to City of York Council requesting:

·         The Planning Committee meeting minutes dated 7 October 2021.

·         The planning application decision notice together with the conditions.

·         Confirmation that Ward Councillors previous communications to City of York Council regarding the various access and site arrangements will be fully addressed.

·         Details of what is included in the S106 agreement.

·         What is the process to reallocate S106 agreement items?


Neighbourhood Plan

It was noted that the Neighbourhood Plan would need to be revised.

Following consideration, it was agreed that the Neighbourhood Plan Group would move forward with that and report back The Parish Council at a further Parish Council Meeting.


Next Meeting - Monday 8th November 2021 at 19:30 at The Tower Room, St Nicholas Church, Dunnington